January 22, 2012

The Benefits of YOGA

Life is Stressful!
   Let’s face it….we Americans are workaholics!  Too much work and not enough play can stress us out and increase anxiety, causing our life to be out of balance.  In addition, sedentary work environments also can cause muscle imbalances and postural imbalances, further increasing the stress on our body.  So how does Yoga fit into this equation?  Many people think yoga is just about meditating and holding poses for long periods of time…(which it can be if that's what you like/need) but in fact it can look and feel very different depending on how it is practiced, and it can mean different things to different people as well.  Yoga is a practice that (when done properly and at your ability level) can have much more benefits than meets the eye.  Here is a list of only some of the many benefits yoga can provide for us:

Mental:  We are all creatures of habit.…if it’s preparing for the day ahead, workout, or work presentation, having a daily routine helps prepare us and direct our focus and concentration.
Emotional:  Whether we are practicing yoga for 5 minutes or 50 minutes, it allows us to leave all worries at the door, and for a brief time in the day there is peaceful ‘me’ time. 
Physical:  Even beginning yoga poses take most of the major joints in our body through full ranges of motion, while simultaneously stimulating our circulatory system.  Balance and coordination are also necessary components built into the movements, which focus on increasing the mobility and stability of our entire body.  Depending on how it is practiced, it can be as easy or as hard as you like!
Spiritual: Regardless of religious beliefs, yoga can uplift us to achieve a sense of purpose and well-being, connecting our mind, body, and breath.

Sun Salutations
   One of the most fundamental routines taught to beginning yoga practitioners is the ‘Salute to the Sun’.  This simple routine takes 2 minutes to complete, and can be done any time throughout the day:
Morning:  When getting out of bed, you can move your body through a full range of motion, getting rid of any kinks from the previous night’s sleep, and wake you up for the day.  Noon:  In the middle of the day, it can help you take a deep breath and tiny break from the stress in your life.
Night:  After a long day, taking a few moments to stretch and rejuvenate your body can relax you for a full night’s sleep.

This is the Sun Salutation in its simplest form.  It is from this routine in which endless positions and variations can be created.  For beginners, this routine is usually performed very slow and methodical, but for the more experienced yoga practitioner, there are endless combinations of poses and applications in which yoga can help us de-stress! 

If the idea of yoga has ever turned you off because you think it is not challenging enough...or too boring....check out this video to see just how fun and athletic yoga can be, and how challenging it can be for the mobility and stability of our entire body, this is 'freesyle yoga'!!!!
                    (Katie Pardi is a yoga instructor at Harbor Yoga Studio. 36 N.High Street Dublin OH 43017)

Also check out the US Men's National Soccer Team trying yoga to help them improve their performance!!!


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